Support Me

Hello! Thank you for clicking this page.

As you may know, I am still a full-time student. Other than this blog, I also write fiction for free and design stickers for fun. I put these things on the Internet, for free, for people to enjoy. However, it has come to my attention that I cannot keep doing this for free if I want to focus all my attention to these passions.

If you, kind stranger, manage to stumble upon this post and happen to have some spare change, would you be so kind as to buy me a coffee?

Buy Me a Coffee at

All the coffee money I get will be put into maintaining my passions, so that I can fully focus on creating content for more people for free.

If you wish to go one step further, please consider supporting me on Patreon if you enjoy what I do.

Become a Patron!

Supporting me on Patreon would be a bigger step in allowing me to fully submerge myself into my passions and to make better content for you.

Thank you very much for your time.

Yours truly,